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วันจันทร์ที่ 11 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2554

How to make candles, snowboarding.

Homemade wax for snowboards (or snoboarding)
is a solution that is affordable. The cost of professional waxing a car than a budget or not.
Solve these problems, this is more than playing chemist.
Here is what you want.
*Cheap white candles.
*Double boiler is best.
*Can Cupcake.
*Using a double boiler. Melt white wax crayon or a low or medium-low heat. The use of color can be fun. Soluble wax crayon on white for exta identity.

Tip: Add oil to parrafin which allows a smooth and friction.
*Comments: temporary double boiler using a skillet (filled with 1 inch of water) and a small saucepan set in a pan with water. Make sure the pan is an old pan that can be dedicated to the melted wax.
- Die After they melt it and pour the liquid ingredients into the tin to a small part  Cupcake. Let set until hard, about 24 hours.

Tip: If you want others to look for a container the shape you want. The best metal mold; Rinse and dry before using it: tuna cans, plastic containers for snacks.
4, while still soft, you can put on display or design your Logo or your name carved on it!
You can try the paraffin is available at the grocery store instead of a melting candle.
Make sure to watch the videos on the resources listed below.
